I am a member to quite a few CNC forums where they talk about metal fabricating, welding and plasma cutting. Every forum has a place where they review different plasma cutting tables and some give their advice on the table that they own and operate.
Many ask if the Plasmacam table is a quality table and how it compares to others similar in size?
For what I know being a member on plasmacams owner community and PlasmaPi,g there we are privileged to have a Plasmacam Tech "George" offer advice and answer questions.
Then there is "Mick" ( Benderart) a table owner who like us all had to learn to use the table and is now the Moderator on both forums. "Jim Colt" a Hypertherm rep and a very good one at that has saved many people on many cnc forums.
There are a few more but these 3 seem to be on some of the same forums I belong to and besides Jim Colt give you the impression they have nothing to do with Plasmacam!
When I want to know or compare tables I don't need the sales people giving advice as we know what their going to say! Give them a job with the competitors later and their version to what table is better will change. Mick makes an accessorie that Hypertherm developed but never patented it so he was able to take that design and produce it without breaking any laws. It is a nice product and one that I myself purchased. One could easily make one similar or an exact duplicate as he has done if the person has access to a small milling machine.
So with his having a monetary product made just for the plasmacam table I would say his opinion is biasis! And being the moderator for both of Plasmacam's forums that also makes him partial to that brand!
Plasmacam has the Best sales videos!
Except they are full of crap also!
One person writing a reveiw on the web site states that in the 3 months he has owned the table, he has made more money than all his time as a lawyer?
Where was he practicing law?
Not one of thes people writing reviews on the Gotorch web site, or Plasmacam's web site and Samsons web site have ever joined any of the Owner forums?
Everyone was able to figure out how to operate the table without ever needing any help, but the rest of us joined up and were frustrated not being able to understand the video manual, or how to wire the torch etc.?
These people all have businesses also, but none have anything listed on the web?
Almost everyone has a web site today or are beginning to do so, but these successful business owners don't?
None of Plasmacam business have a listing with the BBB ( better Buiness Bureau)
Its not a requirement, but shows good faith.
A quick check with the BBB shows up some unhappy table owners but the BBB can't help them.
This is just a quick reminder for those thinking of sinking money they don't have into any of these tables without doing some serious investigating!
I still feel the tables are a quality product.
I don't feel the investment is worth it for a startup company.
By the time you purchase the table, the extra software needed, a refridgerated air dryer, plasma cutter, large size air compressor, wiring for all the equipent and an exhaust fan with duct work your invested for quite a bit of money!
Good Luck!